Legal Notice

El acceso, la utilización y la navegación por este sitio web,, implica la aceptación expresa y sin reservas de las presentes condiciones, así como de la política de privacidad y política de cookies, que le rogamos lea detenidamente. El acceso se realiza bajo su exclusiva responsabilidad. Si no estuviera de acuerdo con las condiciones de uso no acceda ni utilice el presente sitio web.
Este subdominio pertenece al Instituto de Salud Carlos III, domicilio a estos efectos en C/ Monforte de Lemos, 5, CP 28029, Madrid, creado para la alojar la web de la Unidad de coordinación de la cohorte de la Red de Investigación en Sida (CoRIS) en el Centro Nacional de Epidemiología (Instituto de Salud Carlos III – ISCIII).

CoRIS reserves the right to update or modify this agreement at any time, as well as to carry out modifications on any information, design or content published on the website and apps, if applicable. Any subsequent access to or use of the site implies acceptance of the updated terms.

Content featured on the website, as well as comments and information on any platform or social media that CoRIS may use as communication channels, may not in any case be considered as professional advice or prescription.

Users undertake to make appropriate use of CoRIS content and information on this website. Users shall refrain from, including but not limited to: (i) using them for illicit or illegal purposes, or for activities against good faith and public order; (ii) disseminating content or propaganda of a racist, xenophobic, pornographic-illegal nature, or in support of terrorism or violation of human rights; (iii) causing damage to the physical or logical systems of CoRIS or its members, its suppliers or third parties; introducing or spreading computer viruses in the network or any other physical or logical system that is likely to cause the aforementioned damages; (iv) attempting to access and, if applicable, use other users’ email accounts and modify or manipulate their messages.

User registration necessary to access certain content, if applicable, shall be done under the user’s own responsibility. In the event that users send any type of information to CoRIS, they are liable to ascertain that it is true and correct. They declare and guarantee that the information is sent freely and that it does not infringe intellectual or industrial property rights, trade secrets or any others, and that it is not confidential nor harmful to third parties

CoRIS reserves the right to withdraw all comments and contributions that may violate the right to dignity, that are discriminatory, xenophobic, racist, that threaten public order or security or that, in its view, are not suitable for publication. CoRIS shall not be held accountable for opinions shared by users on forums, chats or any other exchange tools that may be implemented, if applicable.

CoRIS and the entities it comprises hold or have, where applicable, the licenses protecting the intellectual property rights of this website. Further to the actual platform, this includes all the information and content herein published in any format (by way of example: logos, brands, graphics, designs, colour combinations, images, sounds, audio, databases, etc.).
All intellectual and industrial property rights on the website content are hereby reserved. In particular, it is expressly prohibited to reproduce, distribute, transform and disseminate, including to make available, all or part of the content of this website for commercial purposes o on any media and by any technical means without the prior written authorisation of CoRIS managing team.

Users undertake to respect the intellectual and industrial property rights owned by CoRIS. They can view the website content and print it, copy it and save it in their computers’ hard drive or any other physical storage unit as long as the information will be used solely and exclusively for their own personal, private use. Users must refrain from deleting, altering or editing any elements that serve to identify the IP right holders, as well as any protection device or security system installed in this website, if applicable. Referring to brands or trademarks or any distinctive signs, whether licensed by CoRIS, its members or third parties, implies the prohibition to use them without the legitimate holder’s consent.

Links to access platforms and social media belonging to third parties, where applicable, are intended to allow the user to access different channels that are available to CoRIS. The use of these applications does not imply that there is any relationship between CoRIS or its members, and the owner, manufacturer or distributor of the linked platforms, nor the approval by CoRIS of their content and services. CoRIS and its collaborating entities take no responsibility for the setup of these platforms or social networks, nor for the content or services users can access through them. Users will provide information to these platforms under their own responsibility, without CoRIS being involved in the process.

Given the impossibility to control the content, information or services offered by other websites that can be accessed through links on this website, CoRIS declines any liability for damages of any sort arising from the users’ access to third-party websites or to their content.

Hyperlinks on third-party websites that allow access to CoRIS website do not imply in any case the existence of a commercial or business relationship with the owner of the website where the link is published, nor the acceptance by CoRIS of any of its content or services. CoRIS does not authorise that any links direct to its website from pages containing illegal, degrading, obscene content, and/or content contravening the law, public order or generally accepted social norms. Users who want to link out to CoRIS website from other websites must link to the actual website, its reproduction in any form not being allowed. Structures or frames cannot be set up to surround the website or to enable its visualisation through different web addresses or together with external content.

Should users be aware of any illicit, unlawful, contrary to law content, or of content that infringes intellectual and/or industrial property rights, please notify CoRIS Coordination Unit.

In the event that any of the provisions in these general terms and conditions is declared partially or wholly null and void, the other provisions will continue to apply.

These Terms and Conditions are governed by Spanish law. Any dispute that may arise regarding interpretation and compliance of the terms herein shall be submitted to the Courts of Madrid.

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